
“VENDOR” => “personalcredit”,
“USER” => “shoppingcart111”,
“PWD” => “AAaa746400”,

/* “PARTNER” => “paypal”,
“VENDOR” => “raviedesignerz”,
“USER” => “raviedesignerz”,
“PWD” => “Abcd1234”,*/

“TENDER” => “C”,
“TRXTYPE” => “S”,
“AMT” => $amount,
“ACCT” => $_SESSION[‘cardno’],
“EXPDATE” => $_SESSION[‘cardmonth’].substr($_SESSION[‘cardYear’],-2),
//”EXPDATE” => $_SESSION[‘cardmonth’].$_SESSION[‘cardYear’],
//”EXPDATE” => 1016,
“CVV2” => $_SESSION[‘digit’],

“BILLTOFIRSTNAME” => $_SESSION[‘firstname’],
“BILLTOLASTNAME” => $_SESSION[‘lastname’],
//”BILLTOSTREET” => $_SESSION[‘refanmunt’],
“BILLTOCITY” => $_SESSION[‘city’],
“BILLTOSTATE” => $_SESSION[‘state’],
“BILLTOZIP” => $_SESSION[‘zip’],
//”COMMENT1″ => $_SESSION[‘refanmunt’],
“BILLTOEMAIL” => $_SESSION[’email’],

//Run request and get the response
$response = run_payflow_call($request);



Your Payment is Successful “;

$to = $_SESSION[’email’];
$subject = “Payment Receipt”;
$message = ‘

Payment Receipt

Thank you for your order.

We partner with Experian, the largest credit reporting agency in the country. So we can better serve you and direct you to the proper lending partners, please obtain your accurate credit scores as soon as possible through their service,, so we can verify your scores. Once registered, they will send you an email from “”. You should look in all your folders including your spam folder for that email. The email must then be forwarded to us at “” in order to complete the verification. Please register now at the following link:


If you are unable to open the link, copy the link below and paste it into your browser address window (it always starts with http://). After pasting it, press ENTER on your keyboard:

If you have any problems, then you can also register with ScoreSense (FreeScore360) at the following link:


You will receive an email from ScoreSense Customer Care ( which must be forwarded to us at

Make sure you look in ALL your folders!!

A receipt for payment has been emailed to: ‘.$_SESSION[’email’] .’ You may also print this page as a receipt. Your lending partner information will be emailed to you within 24 hours or sooner if you register. The email will be from “INFO” or “”. Please always check your s*pp.a.a.*m folder since your internet provider may sometimes filter out emails erroneously. ConsumerLoans4all only charges the one-time processing fee and we will NOT ask you for any more money.